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EDINBURGH CASTLE SCOTLAND Where a covert map of alkemy lays hidden and The Sacred Quest begins
TRINITY COLLEGE DUBLIN Where the Book of Kells comes to life revealing its alkemical secrets
THE STONE OF DESTINY TARA IRELAND Magik amulet crafted by the Magus. Place of the shocking revelation of the Dark Gatekeeper
GILMERTON COVE EDINBURGH Where the Magus performs the rebirthing ritual to send Ahqulieah forwards in time 1200 years to become Louise
THE NESS OF BRODGAR ORKNEY ISLANDS Where the Magus commits Ahqulieah's ashes into the portal where the living and the dead collide and merge
THE BROUGH OF BIRSAY Where the original whorl stone, source of Louise's ring, and symbol stone lay hidden
ANTARCTICA Where the shocking revelations of hidden secrets beneath the ice are unveiled
THE HILL OF UISNEACH IRELAND The ancient centre of Ireland where the Magus gives his life to complete the alkemical ritual
THE BURREN AND VALENCIA ISLAND IRELAND Where Ahqulieah discovers the Tuatha De Danaan kingdom and birth place of Mogh Roith's flying machine
JERUSALEM AND THE ESSENE SETTLEMENT QUMRAN Where the race to uncover the hidden alkemical secrets of an immortal race takes place
THE TOR GLASTONBURY Where a portal between worlds comes to life